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Really scary and AWESOMEE!!!

image.png pixel are but its finished

(1 edit)

image.png pixel art but its unfinished

(1 edit)

image.png newest to oldest

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EWWWWW!! you Need To LEave!

(1 edit)

its fine . this it looks great. lumpy… bring this back i love this version of your face

im fine with it

nope im outta here

image.png i don’t know…


I got to the end, It was one of the best gameboy style character horror, the music was amazing and the graphics and games were fun, from being a game critice for 7yrs i give this game a 10/10, my reasons you ask? 1. Graphics were good, 2. music original and catchy with the beat (btw i also mastered in music and arts), 3. concept and lore was amazing, and I really enjoy playing your games, especially the garfield horror one. keep making more games (: i'd love to play more.   


i explored everything but i still cant figure out what the 4 digit numbers that flash in the last images in the gallery mean. still, I love bait and switch horror games like this one and portaboy does it well. ❤️

you have to type the numbers in on the screens that show you the numbers and it shows you secret images

Thanks! <3

didn't do too well, I kept running out of ammo LOL but the replay ability is great. 

[BIG SHOT] gam

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when i saw the gun i was like "what!"

willl i  die

I world score 165

It would be more surprising if this was played completely straight


Scary Scuffed Games #268

Vorgeschlagen von: Beatdown_TV

Witziges Wario-ware like spiel, was natürlich auf dauer etwas stressiger wird und interessante Effekte beinhaltet. Ich hätte mir aber tatsächlich noch etwas mehr abwechslung bei den Minispielen gewünscht, auch wenn diese natürlich nur ablenken sollen


Dito: 3.9/5

Chat: 3.22/5

Gesamt: 3.56/5

Lol i love when it says winners dont Do drugs so funny!

The game started degrading in new ways- i used to play this game alot but its much harder now Xd. I'm enjoying it alot-!

no suelen gustarme mucho este tipo de videojuegos, pero la verdad me diverti bastante con el. 


pls make a pause button tho

very epic  i say my selfdv kjndsvjjnshjxb ffsbfbnsfg


FNaF but on with a sentient Gameboy instead of a monitor


what a clever addictive challenging game!


bro the lores quute coool


I didn't even know it was a Horry game😭


cant even get to 30 smh good game tho

This was so COOL!! Still can't figure out the secrets, tho...


i love this. its so hard and fun at the same time!


Theres An Easter Egg Of A New Game Of A Spider LOL Good One Portaco!

T̸̥̣̭̐H̶̢̡̡͓͖̳̖̤͈͈̟̝̱̠͖̮̤̙͖̄͌́̊̈́̈́͗̅̏̓̍ͅE̸̢̢̩̝̠̠̘͍͙̘̰̖̯̮̤̜̖̻̻͔̾͋̆̾̍̎̅͜ͅͅ ̴̢͕̼̝͕̳̘̬̤̞̙̳͇̪̝̖̩̣̟͍̙̙̭͑̌͐̂̈̾̊̈́̌̎̆̓͘͘̚͘͘͠Ģ̴̬̦̦͖͉̭͖͚͔͔͋͑̅̊̄͑̉̀̾̄̇͗̽͋͐̃Ä̶̧̛̗̯͍̱̠̜̺̙͕̣̈͗͆͗́͊̽̀͑̀̇͗͐́̎͌ͅM̸̨̡̧̤̹̞̘͇̬̼̤̞̙̹̟̲̖̥͕̣̽̂͘ͅE̴̛̺̫̩̘̖͕͂̄́͆̈́̄̈́̋̊̈͑̊͊́̀͑̅̃̒͌͐͐̚̕̚̚ ̷̹͚̗̩̲̱͙͎͙̞͍͈̏͜İ̷̢̥̙̬̳̪̑̒͋̀̈͠ͅS̸̢̞̺̯͙̞̃̊̓͗̅̕̕̚͠ͅ ̵̢̗͍͇̟̲̩̜̳̬̣̈̓̾̐̈̈́͆̄͐͛̏͛̂̿̉͐̋̔͠Į̶͚̤̬͖̜̤̬̔̃̈́̍͂̐̍͑̌̃͑͊͌̈́̔̑̉͐͘̕͜N̸̢̢̠̞̠̜͚͙͈͖̭̦̙̟͓͈̟͂͌̅̓́̓̆̔̃̂̽͜͠͝͝ ̷̙̦̲̩̬̯͙̗͉̠͔̠͈̳͙̯̹̣̱̠̣̻͎̱̲̰̯̓̾̂̀̇̓̊̆͆͛̎́̀̾͌̌̄̆̋͝M̷̙̝̗͕̩͚̬̅̉̽͌͗͆̆͑̉͛͗̾̐̈́̍̓͝͝͝E̷̛͚̟̭̯̜͒̑̓̇̋̐̂̓̈́͒̈́̾͗̔̓͂̎̔͛̂̓̆̕  

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Anyone knows if hitting the red triangle before the BG changes does anything? I don't think it's needed for the true ending, but I still hit it every time.


It's a time skip from around 7 to 15. 

(2 edits)

Hey, Creator for some reason when I start or run the game it gets stuck on this part. this has never happened before. I'm on Chromebook so I'm playing web version. The Gui also bugs out.

I'm NOT the owner here, but this also happens the same on chrome on android. Possibly due to how chrome work differently.

However, It works perfectly fine on Mozilla Firefox.

Try using Firefox for chromebooks. You may find the download for it here:

lmk if it works kthxbye

I cant get firefox bc its a school chromebook.

then there is nothing I can do about it.




i cant play it but i sitll love the game and you youtude canel


Charming, silly, weird, and a very fun idea. Great job!

Still a wonderfully terrifying game by Enchae and Lumpy! I hope everyone enjoys this playthrough. I am still digging deep for the dark secrets hidden within this game


Muito bom, o PortaBoy me deixou excitado com essa bundinha :)

(1 edit)

Honestly a pretty great game! I've unlocked all of the gallery entries except the 50 section (My high score is 48) I really like the multitasking element of the game, and although it is kinda hard to play at first, it starts getting easier when you actually know what you're doing (Took me forever to figure out "The Perfect Present" one lol) The artstyle is very cute and the the lore is really amazing and even the whole game in general is amazing! ^^

"the artstyle is very cute" meanwhile im seeing wraiths attempting to steal the very essence of my soul lol


Hehehe when the screen got scary I didn’t know what to do and i died super quick 


Most stressful game I've played in a while.


I am still having a lovely time with this game! I love the feel like something is truly within the portaboy! Enchae I want to give you the biggest shout out for this game! It's so wonderful!

Played this on a 3 random games video, the horror aspect really took me by surprise! Really enjoyed it
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